Face & Body Procedures

Can you tell me….
- How long does a mini face lift last?
- Thread lift or mini facelift?
- How much does a nose job cost?
- What is the recovery time from eye bag removal surgery?
- Who is the best rhinoplasty surgeon in London?
- Should I go for cheap plastic surgery abroad?
- Does Laser Liposuction actually work?
Liposuction – Helps improve those difficult-to-shift areas ….
Liposuction around the thighs and tummy are the most common areas that women request to be treated. It gives reliable results unlike Laser Lipo which is painful and gives poor results. Liposuction can be performed as a day case procedure with 2- 3 days recovery time depending on how many areas are treated. See photos and Liposuction
Nose Reshaping – improves confidence…
Rhinoplasty can transform how one feels. Most patients request a reduction of any bump on their nose and to have their nose made smaller. Rajan Uppal specialises in Rhinoplasty and revision Rhinoplasty. He has many years experience and many happy patients. The procedure takes about 1-2 hours. Most patients go home the same day and return in 1 week for removal of the nose bandage. Although there may be swelling and bruising initially, most patients are back to work after one week. See photos and Nose
Tummy Tuck – removes the bulge on the tummy….
A Tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty can be done as a ‘mini’ procedure where there is a short scar. Or a full tummy tuck where all the extra skin and fat on the tummy is removed. This is especially popular as exercise cannot get rid of all lower tummy fullness as well as the sides – known as ‘love handles’. Mr Uppal often combines a tummy tuck with Liposuction in these areas to give an exceptional result. Many ladies have a tummy tuck after they have had children to get back to their previous shape and again start wearing the clothes they want to wear. Most patients stay in hospital overnight and recovery takes about 2 weeks. We will provide you with a compression garment to wear after surgery to get you the best results. See photos and Tummy
Eyebags – removing eye bags stops you looking tired ….
Eye bag removal can transform the area around the eyes giving a fresher and more youthful look. Some people look tired even if they have had a good night’s sleep as they have extra skin and muscle laxity around the lower eyelids. The procedure can be done under local anaesthetic or with you asleep, as you prefer. It takes about an hour. Patients go home the same day with small plasters under their eyes. There is some bruising afterwards and so most patients take a week off work (some ladies bring sunglasses to hide behind). Upper eyelids also can give away someone’s age and so removal of this skin and restoring the shape can make a significant difference to how the whole face looks. See photos and Eyebags
Mini Facelift – look younger with only a short hidden scar….
As time passes the face can start to droop and sag giving away someone’s age. Lifting the skin and muscle around the cheeks and mouth can give excellent results that can last up to 10 years. Our faces all age in different ways and so this can vary. Patients who smoke and those who are exposed to the sun, age faster than those who do not smoke and also use good sun block creams. A Mini Facelift takes about 3 hours to perform and most patients leave hospital the following day. There is a small scar hidden around the ear. See photos and Mini Facelift
Chin Reduction – reduce a large chin or build up a weak chin….
Patients who have always been worried about a large chin can have a short operation to reduce the chin. It is performed under general anaesthetic as a day case. A small cut in made inside the mouth to reduce the part that sticks out. If you have a weak chin, you can have a small implant put in to create a stronger looking jaw. Patients go home the same day as the area is numb and recovery takes a few days. See photos and Chin Surgery
Call now to book a consultation with a member of our team.
After Surgery
The care you receive after your surgery is as important as the surgery itself. Here at Harley Street Cosmetic Surgery we are always contactable on 01753 859908 for advice. There is also a team of dedicated nurses that look after you once you have left hospital. They are on hand to change dressings if required or answer any questions. There is 24 hour cover for urgent enquires.
Mr Uppal will usually see you 1 week after your surgery for a check up and to ensure all is well. A further check up appointment is made at 6 weeks and again at 6 months.
After that time you are free to request a review with Our Chief Surgeon at any time in the years that follow at no extra charge.
If for any reason you require surgery due to a surgical complication, you will not be charged the surgeon’s fee.
Working Time
- Mon-Thu 08:00 – 20:00
Friday 07:00 – 22:00
Saturday 08:00 – 18:00
Contact Info
Phone: 01753 258015