Paediatric Surgery

Mr Uppal specialises in the precise surgery that is required for children. He undertakes microsurgery to correct abnormalities that some children are born with. He also treats injuries and burns that affect children.
He works closely with the children’s ward, paediatric nurses and paediatric anaesthetists to ensure that your child gets the best care possible. He places great emphasis on supporting you during the stress that can result when one’s child is having treatment.
He has broad experience in correcting hypospadias and children born with other such abnormalities. He is the Lead plastic surgery consultant for this surgery at Wexham Park Hospital. He is part of the national BAPRAS Hypospadias Specialist Group at the Royal College of Surgeons. He has written a detailed information leaflet explaining Hypospadias for parents. Please get in touch to get your copy.
Working Time
- Mon-Thu 08:00 – 20:00
Friday 07:00 – 22:00
Saturday 08:00 – 18:00
Contact Info
Phone: 01753 258015