My Nose Story

“My name is Rhinosaurus ex and this is my story..”
on Mr Uppal may be the best nose surgeon in London. Book a 3-D photo consultation here.
Day 1
- 11th July 2015
I had rhinoplasty yesterday and thought I would offer a review and tips for anyone considering the same. I have said ‘not sure yet’ as to whether worth it, but will adjust once I see final result. Overall experience so far has been very good, treatment at Princess Margaret hospital in Windsor was extremely good, very professional staff. Anaesthetist and all staff I spoke to were very friendly. Mr Uppal went through procedure briefly beforehand. My last meal had to be before 2am and last drink of water at 6am. I checked in at 7am and procedure was at 10.30am (lasts 1.5 hours). Anaesthetic was administered very quickly and relatively painlessly. I’ve had a cannula many times before and it has hurt and this was first time it did not. When I came round after was in no pain, just intense pressure, like a heavy cold (but worse). This operation is uncomfortable, mostly for the sore throat you have through all the mouth breathing, but not really painful. You feel a bit out of it, but that is normal after anaesthetic. I brought some arnica pills, which I would recommend as you will come out with very black eyes and swollen and are not allowed to put cream on skin, so arnica pills will hopefully help the healing. I was also recommended to keep ibuprofen at home, cucumber to put on your eyes and a bag of frozen peas, wrapped in a cloth to put on your forehead. I had lunch not long after I came around, could eat fine! Mr Uppal came to meet me and said everything had gone well (relief) and showed me some pictures. The front looked good, the side looked much better than it was , a bit more sticky-uppy than I anticipated from pictures from consultation, but was hard to tell. I seemed much improved from what was, just hope I still look like myself. I felt ready to go at about 4pm, but left at 6pm to avoid traffic. There was still tonnes of traffic from Windsor back to London and, what should be a 1 hour journey took 3 hours. I felt self-conscious all bandaged up, clearly having had a nose-job as we were at near stand still most of way home and into residential streets where I lived, but what can you do….!
I had less of an appetite than usual, but managed dinner fine. You have a swab under your nose until it stops bleeding and I still needed to keep that on, which meant I ate my dinner with a teaspoon. I could probably have lifted swab off, but didn’t want to take any chances yet.
I was told the first 24-48 hours are worst and I won’t sleep well the first night, which was kind of true. You have to sleep almost upright with 3 pillows behind you and I sort of drifted into sleep and then woke up, what seemed like every 5 minutes needing water. I got through 2-3 glasses of water sipped through a straw during the night.
By morning, bleeding has pretty much stopped, but you still get odd drops, so kept nose swab on. I felt much better in the morning already, had a shower, and was much more mobile. I had pen mark on my face still, which wouldn’t come off. I need some high strength eye-make up remover for that. I am easing off the co-codamol already taking just one tablet with ibuprofen instead of two and when I feel braver, will just dispense with it completely.
Day 3
- 12 Jul 2015
Day 4 recovery
- 13 Jul 2015
Day 5 Recovery
- 14 Jul 2015
Day 6 — one more day till cast off!
- 16 Jul 2015
Day 7 – cast off and free to roam outside!
11 days post
- 20 Jul 2015
This is the bit where you just have to be patient! I still feel very bunged up and swollen and my nose even slightly hurts from time to time. My right eye is still a little black and swollen too, so I don’t quite look right to go out and see people I know well, but, with make up on, even at work, doubt anyone would notice. I often look quite puffy due to hayfever anyway. The detritus is gradually working its way out of my nose and I can breathe a bit easier, but you can still see stuff up my nose, which is not a great look if I was planning to go out this week!Last week, I was eager for cast to come off. This week, I am eager for swelling to go down, so I can see final shape more. I plan to go out on Friday during day (day 14) so am looking to get hair cut short as a distraction from change to my face. Really hope I have enough improvement by then. So people do not see me, have refused help with kids, so not relaxed as much this week as perhaps should, but still taking it easy. I start work again, but from home, on Thurs ( day 13).For me, this is something I am glad I have done. If your nose is something you find yourself wishing to change/thinking about once a day, then you probably need todo something about it. That said, I wound not enter into this lightly. It isn’t painful, but it is uncomfortable and you have to be so patient to see end result and have strong willpower not to scratch,blow your nose, pick at it and to take it easy until you are ready to go out. You will question if you made right decision. I would plan other things to do in your recovery time, so you have something to look forward to, even if it’s just catching up with films at home, lots of life admin you finally need to get done, hobbies…
Day 13: Almost returning to normal
- 23 Jul 2015
Ok, well one thing I should say to anyone who has this surgery is to be prepared to have a very swollen nose after your cast is removed and your nose looking worse than it did before perhaps, especially if, as in my case, you end up with a widened bridge and you look truly awful I.e. Definitely could not venture outside. This is a bit of a roller coaster. I was counting on being ready to go out by day 14 and I am pleased to say that at day 13, although my nose is still swollen, I am starting to look a bit more like myself in that has been slight decrease in nasal bridge swelling and my eyes no longer look so comically close together. I still feel more comfortable wearing glasses tomorrow when I go out in case swelling increases again and I also had my hair cut to add a bit of distraction. 13 days post is early days, but I am hopeful and quietly confident that everything will settle and I will be happy with end result, but feel need to warn people that swelling post op means you have to be very patient to see end result and do not panic if it seems to get worse before better!

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