Hand Surgery

Hand surgery is routinely performed by plastic surgeons as it requires great precision and sometimes the use of a microscope. Mr Uppal and his team, also treat common hand fractures as well as operating on hand injuries that require repair of the small nerves or tendons in the fingers. The joints in the hand are particularly intricate and require special care. Mr Uppal regularly undertakes hand surgery both in the NHS and in private practice.

The care after hand surgery is very important which is why we have a dedicated team of specialized physiotherapists that look after patients after their hand surgery.

Common procedures performed by Mr Uppal in the NHS and privately include:

-Carpal tunnel release
-Dupuytren’s contracture release
-Collagenase Enzyme Dupuytren’s release using an injection instead of surgery (from £2000)
-Hand cyst removal
-Finger joint replacement
-Hand tendon repairs
-Treatment of hand infections.

As well as emergency surgery, Mr Uppal also performs reconstructive surgery to the hand where required.


Patients who have numbness or unusual feelings in their fingers may need a small procedure to release the tightness around their nerve in their hands. This is a very common condition that can be treated by a local anasthetic prcedure that takes only 10 mins as an outpatient. It involves a small injection into the hand which makes the wrist skin numb, followed by a small scar measuring 2 cm on the wrist. Patients have a bandage on their hand and can go home half an hour later. Stitches are removed 2 weeks later and recovery takes about 2 weeks.


As shown on the NHS Choices website, there are a number of treatments for contracture of the fingers and palm. Mr Uppal offers release of these tight bands in the palm and fingers. He can offer you a release with a needle, injection of Collagenase or surgery. Contact our office to arrange a consultation and get advice on what will benefit you the most.

You can call us on 01753 664 085 to book an appointment at a convenient time for you.

Most of the treatments for these common hand conditions are available on the NHS with a referral from your GP. You can also choose to have your treatment privately if you do not want to wait or if the treatment is not funded by the NHS. The cost may not be as much as you think. Privately you will also be sure that a consultant will do your procedure and at a time that suits you.

Mr Uppal looks after a catchment area of 1.2 million people in his NHS practice at Heatherwood, Wexham Park St Peters Hospital and Reading Hospitals. He has been an established consultant in the area for many years and has an excellent reputation in the field of plastic surgery and teaching of junior surgeons. His philosophy is that the care for his patients must always be of the highest standard.

Working Time
  • Mon-Thu 08:00 – 20:00
    Friday 07:00 – 22:00
    Saturday 08:00 – 18:00
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