Eye Bag Removal

Eyes are an important part of one’s appearance, conveying emotions and feelings. However, the appearance of eye bags can make one look tired or unhappy. This happens to all of us unfortunately over time. But help is at hand with eye bag removal. This is a simple hour long procedure performed often with you awake under local anaesthetic. You go home an hour later.
An Introduction to Eye Bag Removal
Mr Uppal explains Eye Bag removal or Eyelid Surgery which improves the tired look from the eyes. Mr Uppal has over 15 years experience in plastic surgery and performs this operation under local anaesthetic, where patients can go home within a couple of hours.
More About Eye Bag Removal
Cosmetic eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is an option for individuals who are bothered by excess skin of the upper or lower eyelids. This can include bags, puffiness and drooping skin, characteristics which can make a person appear upset or tired.
Mr Uppal often performs mini eye bag removal under local anaesthetic so patients can go home within 1-2 hours of having their surgery. The surgery therefore does not need a full anaesthetic. Many patients prefer this as they do not want a full anaesthetic and it is also cheaper. A full general anaesthetic is also possible if requested. Mr Uppal will explain the risks and benefits of each treatment with you in detail.
Eyelid surgery corrects the excess skin, tissue and fat that results in bags, puffiness and wrinkles of the upper and lower eyelids. The result is a more youthful, energetic and rested appearance to the eye area. Under eye bag surgery that remove bulges under the eye without any skin removal, is called TransConjunctival blepharoplasty. Ask Mr Uppal if you are a candidate for this.
The ideal candidates for eyelid surgery include adult men and women with healthy facial tissue and muscles. Patients should be free of any life-threatening illnesses or medical conditions that can impair healing and they should realistic goals and expectations.
During a consultation, patients should be sure to advise the surgeon of all current and past health conditions including any previous surgery, eye disease (such as glaucoma), dry eye, detached retina, thyroid disorders, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and circulatory disorders. Patients should also be sure to disclose any current use of medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, nutritional supplements, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. The surgeon will discuss the available options for eyelid surgery and how your eyelids and the surrounding area can be improved. You and the surgeon will also discuss your goals and the potential risks. Be sure to address any questions or concerns that you may have at this time.
The upper and lower eyelids, as well as the surrounding areas, can be dramatically improved with eyelid surgery by repositioning the muscle, redistributing fat, and removing excess skin where necessary. A brow lift, performed on its own or in combination with eyelid surgery, may be a better option for patients with a low positioned brow or hooding at the outer corner of the eyes. The brow lift, which can also smooth lines or furrows in the forehead, is typically performed as a minimally invasive procedures using an endoscope. Eyelid surgery may also be combined with a midface lift to correct sagging in the cheek region as well as pronounced nasolabial folds.
To treat droopiness of the upper eyelids, the incision is typically made within the natural crease of the upper eyelids. Fat deposits are then repositioned, muscles and tissue are tightened, and excess skin is removed, resulting in a smoother upper eyelid contour.
When treating the lower eyelids, a transconjunctival incision is sometimes used which is hidden inside the lower eyelid. Fat is then redistributed or removed and sagging muscles are tightened. The incision may also be made just below the lower lash line if there is excess skin of the lower lid that needs to be removed.
The incisions from eyelid surgery are typically well concealed within the natural creases and folds of the eye area. Swelling and bruising are common after surgery but as these side effects fade the results will gradually appear, revealing a smoother, firmer, more defined eyelid area. Patient will appear more youthful, alert and rejuvenated.
Surgery carries risks as well as benefits which will be discussed at your consultation.
How do you remove Eye bags?
Dark circles around the eyes or extra skin can be treated using a simple procedure under local anaesthetic or general anaesthetic. Many patients like to avoid the risks and expense of a full general anaesthetic and cope well with local anaesthetic. It’s easier than going to the dentist.
Mr Uppal and his team are experts in helping patients who want to get rid of eye bags. Eye bags treatment is common and our practice will ensure you get a ‘natural’ result so no one can tell you have had an operation. The scar is hidden and no eye lashes are lost.
Can eye bag surgery be done without scars?
The simple answer is Yes.
This is called a Trans-Conjunctival Blepharoplasty. This is suitable for patients that have heavy bags on their lower eyelids but don’t need skin removed. It’s is an excellent choice for these patients as no skin needs to be removed and there is no scar. The whole procedure is done from inside the lower eyelid with key hole surgery to remove any extra fat in the 3 pockets of the lower eye lids. Recovery takes only 2-3 days and there is a lot less bruising than standard eye bag removal surgery.
What does Eye bag surgery involve?
This can often be done under local anaesthetic where the patient is awake but doesn’t feel anything related for the surgery. Most people cope well with this and it avoids a full general anaesthetic. If course you can choose to be fully asleep if you want to. Mr Uppal will explain the details of this.
The surgery takes about 1 hour for upper or lower eyelids. You lie down for the procedure and the surgeon and nurse will be talking to you the whole time to make sure you are calm and relaxed. The surgeon will check the area is totally numb before starting so you do not have to worry about feeling anything.
After the surgery, small strips will be placed as bandages on the upper or lower eyelids. The nurse will give you a cup of tea and check you are ok before letting you go home usually within an hour. Please bring someone to take you home.
What do I do after my eye bag removal surgery?
Once the nurse has checked everything you can go home. Please rest at home and do not exercise or increase your blood pressure to avoid any bleeding.
If there is a drop of blood under the eye, lie down and press with a tissue for 5 mins and it should stop. Please call us or the hospital at anytime if needed.
Keep the area dry for 1 week and wash around it. If some sleep or ooze develops in the eye itself, this is normal and can be cleaned with a cotton bud dipped in clean water.
Some patients use Arnica pills to help with the bruising. You are also advised to buy eye drops from the chemist which can help soothe the eyes.
What are the risks of eye bag removal surgery?
The main risk is bruising and swelling after eye bag removal. Everyone gets some bruising and swelling but this settles after about 1-2 weeks. Most people return to work after a week or so using make up to cover any visible bruising. Patients can tell friends or work colleagues that they have had an eye cyst or polyp removed if they want to be discreet. Patients need to be patient however, as the full results are not realised for at least 6 months.
A few days after surgery most patients get some clear fluid or tears around the tapes that hold the eyelid in place. This is normal and is because the normal flow of tears is disrupted temporarily. It is not standard practice to prescribe antibiotics for this surgery as these are not necessary. Most patients get itching around the tapes on the eyelids. This is normal and is relieved once the tapes are removed 5-7 days after surgery by Mr Uppal.
The rare serious risks include pulling of the lower eyelids such that the red part of the eye is visible. This is called an ectropion and can be corrected with a small procedure to hitch up the eye lid. Patients may also notice some asymmetry after eye bag removal surgery; that is to say both eyes may not look exactly the same. Normal eyes are not exactly the same if we look closely in the mirror. Small differences are not noticeable to most people at normal talking distance. Any significant difference can be corrected with revision surgery adjustment.
The anatomy of the eye is complex as seen above and achieving the right balance between removing extra skin or fat and lifting the eyelids, requires great skill and experience. Mr Uppal is a leading surgeon in the field of facial plastic surgery. Not only does he perform cosmetic eye bag removal surgery, he also often undertakes eyelid reconstruction for patients with skin cancer. This broad area of skills benefits his patients who can rely on a surgeon who has a vast array of skills and experience to help his patients get the best results.
Can I improve my eyebrow position at the same time?
Yes. Over time our brow starts to sag downwards and wrinkles develop on our forehead. While non-surgical injections can improve these issues somewhat, eventually you will need a brow lift. This can be done using key-hole surgery through small punctures hidden in the hair line. This will lift the droopy brow above the eyes and make the face look fresh. This can also be done under local anaesthetic with you awake using minor surgery at the same time as removing upper eyelid bags. This is called Trans-eyelid browplasty. Ask Mr Uppal for details to see if you are suitable for this procedure.
How much does eye bag removal surgery cost?
Eye bag surgery costs start from around £2750 but it’s best to arrange a consultation with Mr Uppal so that he can advise on your specific treatment.
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- Mon-Thu 08:00 – 20:00
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