Breast Reduction

Breast reduction can make a significant difference in how a woman feels about her breasts. Ladies who have large breasts can find it difficult to wear certain clothes and it can also affect confidence. Large breasts can also cause back ache and aching around the shoulder straps of the their bras. Also, taking part in sport can be difficult as the weight of the breasts can interfere with full participation in activities such as running. Breast reduction provides a natural shape to the breasts with a youthful appearance. The cup size that you would like is discussed with Mr Uppal who will guide you through the whole process to give you the results that you want. Breast reduction is also good to match up breasts that are of a different size.
Before Breast Reduction Surgery
During your initial consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your health and explain the surgical technique he feels will be best for you based on your breasts and skin tone. If your breasts are sagging, he may also advise an uplift procedure along with the breast reduction. Your initial consultation is also the time for you to discuss the results you are looking for, including the risks. Breast reduction surgery can usually be done with a scar only around the nipple. This improves with time but is permanent. Some ladies with very large breasts may need a different technique where the scars are under the breast also. Mr Uppal will ty and give you the best result possible as each person is different and he will plan the surgery to tailor make it just for you.
After Surgery
You should expect some discomfort during the first one or two days after your surgery , especially when you move around or cough. However you’ll be up and about within hours. Mr Uppal and the anaesthetic team will prescribe pain relief to lessen your discomfort. You’ll be most comfortable if you continue wearing a sports bra like the one you were fitted with after your surgery around the clock for the first two or three weeks as your bruising subsides. Surgical drains are usually not used but if so they are removed the same or next day. All your stitches are dissolvable they will not need removal either. Should a small amount of stitch be visible it may be cut short or simply left in place until it dissolves. Most ladies go home on the same day or some stay overnight in hospital. It is advisable to take a week off work to recover but there is no reason why you cannot go back to work sooner if you feel comfortable to do light duties such as in some offices. Full recovery takes about 2 weeks.
Working Time
- Mon-Thu 08:00 – 20:00
Friday 07:00 – 22:00
Saturday 08:00 – 18:00
Contact Info
Phone: 01753 258015