Most people have reservations about undergoing cosmetic surgery. Even if you’re working with the most experienced surgeon deploying the most advanced technology, it can still feel like a leap into the unknown. And that trepidation can be seriously amplified if you’ve already had a negative experience.
The problem is that rhinoplasty can be hard to get right. It is a very precise art. And with many Brits going overseas to seek low-cost cosmetic surgery, you can find yourself facing an uncomfortable and unhappy surgical experience. Or, worse, results that leave you deeply unhappy. And that’s where revision rhinoplasty can come in.
What Do You Need to Know About Revision Rhinoplasty?
What is revision rhinoplasty?
Revision rhinoplasty is the process of rectifying the results of previous nose surgery. The way this is managed will depend upon your original procedure type and the problems you wish to address. Revision rhinoplasty can be carried out by your original surgeon, or you may wish to seek a more experienced professional.
Why would you need revision rhinoplasty?
There are four main reasons why you might consider revision rhinoplasty.
Breathing problems
The primary concern of any cosmetic surgeon is to ensure that no procedure impacts the function of the body. The difficulty with rhinoplasty is that any changes to the nasal passages hold the potential to effect breathing. So, sometimes it becomes necessary for a minor adjustment to take place to ensure proper breathing from your nose.
Aesthetic reasons
There are a number of changes in appearance that can occur following rhinoplasty. This might be a lack of symmetry, pinching, or that the reshaped nose doesn’t quite work with the rest of your facial features, making the adjustment too obvious or distracting.
A failure to meet expectations
Prior to any rhinoplasty, your surgeon should work with you to discuss not only what you want from your surgery, but what is realistically possible. Part of this process will be the use of technology to create an AI impression of what your nose will look like post-surgery. And how it will change the overall look of your face. If your surgery has not been able to give you the results you were hoping for, or the real-life result is not what you had believed it would be, you may wish to consider revision rhinoplasty.
To correct damage
Throughout the rhinoplasty healing process, the nose is very sensitive to pressure. If you accidentally bump it in the first few weeks following surgery, it can dramatically impact the finished result. Other things, such as high impact exercise or swimming, or even having a heavy cold, have the potential to impact the long-term shape of your nose in the first few weeks. Revision rhinoplasty can be used to correct that damage.
Is revision rhinoplasty the same as the initial surgery?
Revision rhinoplasty has the potential to be a lot more complicated than your initial surgery. This is because the surgery is taking place in an area that has already been operated upon, and may include scar tissue and changes to skin thickness and texture. In some cases, fillers may be the best solution. In others, open rhinoplasty may be required. To ensure the best results, it’s a good idea to work with a surgeon who is highly experienced in this area.
As the name implies, the role of revision rhinoplasty is to correct. Helping you to gain the best possible results from any nasal surgery, it can address both functional and aesthetic concerns. Ensuring that you always have the confidence to face the world and be happy with both the look and feel of your nose.
It’s not very often that a plastic surgeon is needed in the heart operating theatre. But recently, Dr Uppal was invited to work with cardiologist, Dr Cox, helping a patient who required an upgrade to their cardiac device.
The patient, who had previously had breast implants fitted, was in need of a replacement device to support the regulation of her heart. But the implant in her left breast was resting above the device that needed to be removed. As cosmetic surgery and cardiac surgery are two very different disciplines, Dr Uppal was invited by Dr Cox to oversee that part of the procedure.
Doctor Uppal’s role was to begin the process, by carefully creating an incision and removing the implant. Enabling Dr Cox to remove and update the cardiac pacemaker without obstruction.
Once Dr Cox had completed his part of the process, Dr Uppal was able to replace the breast implant and close the wound.
‘The technology used in the heart operating theatre is unbelievable,’ said Dr Uppal. ‘It’s like NASA space control. And it was a real privilege to watch an expert like Dr Cox work.
‘Thankfully, the patient is really happy and doing well. And I would like to send my best wishes and thanks, for trusting me to play my part in such important surgery.’
If you are looking to change the shape of your nose, there are a number of options available. Rhinoplasty covers a range of procedures. From laser techniques to surgical. The current shape of your nose and the results you are looking for will dictate the type of procedure you need. And in some cases, this will be a nose graft. So, what do you need to know?
Why a Nose Graft Might Be Right for You
What is a nose graft?
A nose graft involves using cartilage from another area of the body – typically the ear, rib, or septum – to build up the tissue and change the shape of the nose. In most cases, this will be to lengthen the nose or broaden the nasal passages to help relieve breathing difficulties. But it can also be used to support the tip of the nose and improve its shape.
What are the benefits of having a nose graft?
The primary reason that people choose to have a nose graft rather than an implant is that the procedure uses your own tissue. This means that your body will not reject the graft. That you are far less likely to experience complications. And that the result is likely to look much more natural, providing you with longer term satisfaction from your surgery.
When you use implants, the results can look great. But because they come in fixed shapes and sizes, it’s not always possible to produce exactly the shape that the patient requires. With cartilage, if you are working with an expert surgeon, like Dr Uppal, they can shape the insert to the exact requirements of your nose.
Are there any drawbacks to having a nose graft?
The only real drawback to having a nose graft vs an implant is that you may have a second surgical site; although usually Dr Uppal will borrow cartilage for the graft from inside your nose. And this can mean another area of potential pain. If the cartilage comes from your septum, you’re unlikely to notice the secondary surgery. But if it comes from your ribs or ear, you will experience additional tenderness. However, incision sites are usually very small and don’t take long to heal. And your surgeon will take care to select a spot that will avoid any obvious scarring.
What is the recovery time for a nose graft?
In most instances, surgical rhinoplasty requires a recovery period of around two to four weeks. You will be able to return to work after 14 days. But you may still experience some tenderness for the following fortnight. And it is sensible to avoid vigorous exercise for another month. Some patients experience a loss of sensation around the surgical site for up to six months. But it is worth remembering that complete recovery and the final result of your surgery may not be complete for a full year.
Tips to improve nose graft recovery
1.Follow the advice provided to you by your surgeon. You’ll have a lot to take in post-surgery. But your surgeon has your best interests at heart. And they will have the best advice for achieving first-class results and recovery.
2. Try not to lie down. You need rest to recover. But you need to do so carefully. Sleeping in an elevated position may not be comfortable. But it can really help to reduce both swelling and bruising. Both of which will improve your recovery period.
3. Don’t smoke. Nicotine is known to reduce the blood flow. This can seriously impact surgical recovery, damaging both the implanted tissue and the skin.
4. Avoid heat. You might enjoy a long hot bath or shower, but heat makes your tissues swell. And this will hamper recovery.
5. Avoid the sun. The site of your surgery will be much more sensitive to UV rays. While it’s always a good idea to wear sunscreen, it is essential postoperatively.
A nose graft is a really good way to tackle a range of nasal problems. Whether for health reasons or cosmetic. But it is important to go into any kind of surgery fully informed. So, talk to your surgeon. Write down any questions or concerns you may have. And make sure that you completely understand what’s involved in your surgery before you sign any consent forms.
Rhinoplasty – nose surgery – comes in a variety of different forms. Laser, surgical (both open and closed), and filler – also known as liquid. Each procedure can be used to help reshape the nose. But they all require a different approach and can have a different function. So, what exactly is liquid rhinoplasty? Why would you choose it? And is it suitable for you?
Everything You Need to Know About Liquid Rhinoplasty
What is a liquid nose job?
A liquid nose job refers to the process whereby dermal fillers are injected into the nose to change its shape. A non-invasive alternative to traditional rhinoplasty, it can deliver instant results. Making it a great choice for patients looking to address minor asymmetries to their nose. Or small cosmetic irregularities, such as a dorsal hump. Some people also choose to use liquid rhinoplasty to tackle slight post-operative deformities. Although this must be done with care, to avoid causing problems with bloody flow.
What are the benefits of liquid rhinoplasty?
There are a range of reasons why a person might opt for liquid rhinoplasty over surgical.
· Results can be seen almost instantly.
· You will not need to take any time off work for recovery. While surgical rhinoplasty typically requires a two-week recovery period, with liquid rhinoplasty, you’ll be ready for work the next day. You should still be careful not to disturb your nose for a couple of weeks, but it shouldn’t interfere with your normal activities.
· The procedure is non-invasive. So, while your nose may feel slightly tender for a few days afterwards, you shouldn’t experience much pain.
· Liquid rhinoplasty is usually much cheaper than surgical rhinoplasty.
· The results are not permanent. This can be seen as both a negative and a plus. If you are unsure about reshaping your nose, liquid rhinoplasty can be a good way to test drive your new look before committing to surgery. But it’s not a permanent solution. So, if you like the results, you will have to undergo the procedure again at some point in the future. Usually within two years.
Are there any drawbacks to a liquid nose job?
We’ve already mentioned that liquid rhinoplasty is not permanent. And that is the main thing to keep in mind when considering the procedure. But it is also worth knowing that liquid rhinoplasty is only useful for a small variety of problems. So, it may not be suited to your needs.
Liquid rhinoplasty is also rarely a good option for people who are concerned about the size of their nose. Because dermal fillers add volume, they typically make the nose look larger. In many instances, this is a positive thing. But it will not suit all faces.
Are there any risks associated with liquid rhinoplasty?
There are risks associated with all cosmetic procedures. And in the case of liquid rhinoplasty, it is vitally important that you work with a highly experienced professional. Your nose contains an extremely complex system of small arteries and other veins. If this is compromised by poorly placed fillers, it can lead to a range of problems, including infection, necrosis, and even blindness. When conducted by an expert practitioner, the procedure is as safe as any possibly can be. But never risk your health by selecting a cheaper option.
A liquid nose job is a quick way to change your appearance for the better. With rapid results and rapid recovery, it can provide the aesthetic boost you need feel happier about your appearance. Just remember that it is not a permanent solution. And that you should always work with a professional.
Cosmetic surgery has advanced enormously in recent years. Thanks, in part, to the progression of technology. From 3D microscopes to microdevices, the ability to access new, advanced equipment has enhanced the experience and the outcomes of a full range of procedures. And one of the most useful tools for facial adjustments is the infrared camera.
Now a fixed feature of my practice, infrared cameras enable experienced doctors to assess blood flow in a patient. And this is really important. Because when you carry out surgery, or even insert fillers, there is the potential to interfere with a complex network of arteries and veins. And if you insert too much filler or inhibit blood flow through the blocking of veins in surgery, it can have serious ramifications for the patient.
Take the nose, for example. Although it is a relatively small area of the body, the mucopeniosteum of the nasal cavity is supplied by five arteries. Some of which connect with the eyes, others with the mouth. If blood flow is cut off, it can lead to necrosis or infection. In extreme cases, it can even impact the eyes – sometimes leading to blindness.
The use of infrared cameras prevents this.
By using an infrared camera after face (or breast) surgery, I can better identify any potential areas of concern. And this allows me to take action before a small problem grows into something much more sinister.
It takes more than technology to become a surgeon. It takes years of training and decades of dedication. But with the right technology, you have the power to deliver the best results for your clients every time.
Rhinoplasty is a well-known procedure used to repair or reshape a person’s nose. It can be used to address health problems, purely cosmetic concerns, or a combination of the two. But what many people don’t realise is that Asian rhinoplasty is distinct from other forms of nose surgery. So, what do you need to know about Asian rhinoplasty?
Asian Rhinoplasty: What Do You Need to Know?
What is Asian rhinoplasty?
Asian rhinoplasty is a form of nose surgery developed specifically to answer the needs of people of Asian descent. Because Asian noses are often shaped slightly differently to other cultures – often characterised by a low nasal bridge and broader nostrils, or an enlarged bridge area – Asian people will often have different requirements from their rhinoplasty surgeon. With the focus frequently being on narrowing the nostrils and building up the bridge.
Asian skin is thicker than Western skin which changes the way the surgery is performed. Dr Uppal specialises in this approach to thick skin to get the best results from nose surgery.
The different types of Asian rhinoplasty
There are three different types of Asian rhinoplasty. Medical rhinoplasty combats problems with the function of the nose. Its primary purpose is to improve the nasal structure to facilitate better breathing and fix other related problems.
Cosmetic rhinoplasty (which is often paired with medical rhinoplasty) is used for aesthetic adjustments. Usually, if a person is unhappy with the shape of their nose.
Lastly, revision rhinoplasty is to correct or adjust previous nasal surgery. This is only ever required if a person isn’t entirely happy with the results of earlier surgery. Or, occasionally, if a person has injured their nose post-operatively, and impacted the shape.
What is involved in Asian rhinoplasty?
There are various different approaches to Asian rhinoplasty. The procedure varies according to each patient’s specific needs. Whether medical or cosmetic. So, depending upon your requirements, you may experience:
· Open rhinoplasty – Whereby the skin is lifted from the nose so that the surgeon can access the inner structure and nasal passages.
· Closed rhinoplasty – Using this approach, your surgeon will enter your nose through your nostrils.
· Non-surgical rhinoplasty – In cases of minor adjustments, fillers can be used to reshape the nose non-invasively.
· Rib graft to build up the nose rather than using silicone implants which can fall out or get infected over time.
How long does Asian rhinoplasty take?
Every patient is treated on an individual basis. So, the time that rhinoplasty takes will vary according to that person’s needs. However, Asian rhinoplasty rarely takes more than three hours. And can be significantly faster for non-surgical procedures.
What is the recovery period for Asian rhinoplasty?
Because some Asian ethnicities have slightly thicker skin than Caucasians, they can experience increased swelling post-surgery. This means that the recovery period can take longer. However, Mr Uppal is highly experienced in this area, and is able to provide a range of strategies to help expedite recovery. In most cases, you will be able to return to your usual activities after around a fortnight. But complete recovery can take between 10 months and two years.
Rhinoplasty is a very personal procedure. The way your nose looks and feels can dramatically impact the way that you feel about yourself, as well as the way that you breathe. It can impact your confidence, even your mental wellbeing. Finding the right surgeon to work with, who will guide you through the process and help you make the right decisions for your needs, is imperative to achieving the best results.