Rhinoplasty has the potential to be a life-changing experience. It can boost your health, improve your confidence, and change the way that you feel about yourself. But, like any other form of surgery, it is not to be undertaken lightly. Depending on the type of rhinoplasty – surgical, laser, liquid, implant, or ultrasonic – the procedure often can’t be reversed. So, it is vitally important that you go into it fully informed.
So, what do you need to know and do before committing to rhinoplasty?
Six Things to Know Before Booking Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty takes time
Although common, rhinoplasty is far from simple. And surgical rhinoplasty can be highly invasive. This means that most people will require a recovery period of least two weeks. Which means time off work. And even after that period, you will not be able to enjoy the full benefits of the procedure. It can take months for the swelling to completely subside. And in fact, in most cases, it can take up to a year for the soft tissues around the nose to completely settle into the new shape. So, results are by no means instant.
Rhinoplasty can be highly uncomfortable but not painful
Most people expect discomfort following surgery. But following rhinoplasty, the first two weeks come with a range of [often unexpected] inconveniences and issues. The worst for most people is that during the first two weeks, you will not be able to blow your nose – if you do, you can adversely affect the final results of your procedure. Many people require external tape of splints for the first few days after surgery. Your sleep will probably be disrupted. And most people require a few painkillers and antiemetics (medication to prevent nausea) during this period. Even after the initial two weeks, things like contact sports should be off the table for at least six months.
You may not be able to achieve the results you are hoping for
It may be stating the obvious, but noses are very personal things. So, the style of nose that most appeals to you, may not be suited to your face. That’s why it is so important to work with a reputable and ethical surgeon. While they may not give you the answer that you’re hoping for, they are committed to doing the best they can for your long-term wellbeing. So, plan ahead. Get a clear idea of the results you want. And then book a consultation with a professional who is not afraid to say ‘no’. In most cases, they will help you to find a suitable solution.
Rhinoplasty isn’t always the answer
Continuing from the last point, there are times when rhinoplasty simply is not appropriate. If you have certain health conditions, or the surgery holds the potential to impact your breathing in the long term, a reputable surgeon will refuse to operate.
Selecting the right surgeon can dramatically impact your experience
Everyone has to start somewhere. But if you’re putting the shape of your face in someone’s hands, you really want to work with the most experienced person possible. So, don’t be afraid to go to your initial consultation armed with questions. Ask about their experience. Request to view before and after pictures. Discuss all rhinoplasty types to ensure that you’re getting the right option for you. And if you’re not satisfied with their manner or experience level, walk away. Find a surgeon who makes you feel comfortable.
Why is it cheaper in Turkey?
You get what you pay for. While Instagram marketing and cheap price can be attractive for some, there are hidden dangers that lurk for those that go abroad for rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is a journey and requires significant after-care because the nose keeps changing after the operation. This requires close contact with your surgeon after surgery which is only possible in your home country. The United Kingdom is a highly regulated healthcare system which therefore does mean the costs are higher but the protections for patients are exceptionally good.
Rhinoplasty is an important decision. It can change your entire outlook. But it’s important to understand that that change may be for the worse as well as the better. So, think carefully about your decision. Speak to your surgeon in depth. Follow their advice. But never be afraid to ask questions.
Book a consultation to find out more about rhinoplasty with Rajan Uppal.